71 research outputs found

    Payments Systems Determination by Universal Financial Industry Message Scheme According to Single Euro Payments Area

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    This research was initiated by phenomenological events which were recognized in Single Euro Payments Area payment systems, based on the universal financial industry message scheme standard. This paper shows the determination of payment systems based on their structure (all the way from retail users up to the Central bank) and on the subject they are dealing with (payments, forex notifications, securities, trade services) by universal financial industry message scheme standard. The paper provides description of an adequate way of payment system elements creation with potential automation of industry payment systems creation that are of great importance for the society they are serving. It also demystifies these mission critical systems creations and makes it more comprehensible for experts in various fields who have never before had a chance to deal with the financial industry systems, and who could, thanks to their various expertizes, contribute to the development of these systems

    Primena savremenih ontoloških pretpostavki u modelu optimizacije interakcija organizacija u poslovnom okruženju

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    U dosadašnjim istraživanjima modela elektronskog poslovanja platnih sistema zasnovanih na ontologijama izgrađena je osnova za istraživanje prirode i obima znanja koje može da se primeni u opisivanju i analizi interakcija organizacije i okruženja. Predmet ovog rada je analiza modela optimizacije interakcija koje organizacije, poslovni sistemi, ostvaruju u okruženju. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje mogućnosti primene interoperabilnog modela elektronskog poslovanja u okruženju, sa ciljem optimizacije operativnih procesa razmenom dokumenata. Organizaciju i okruženje možemo posmatrati kao izolovan, zatvoren ili otvoren sistem, pri čemu definicije navedenih oblika sistema možemo naći u osnovima termodinamike. Prema principima termodinamike, kod izolovanog sistema nema razmene energije i materije između sistema i okoline, zatvoreni dozvoljava prenošenje energije radom i toplotom, ali ne dozvoljava prenošenje materije, a kod otvorenog je moguća razmena energije i radom i toplotom i materijom. Svaki od navedenih tipova sistema možemo pronaći i u poslovnom okruženju naše zemlje, pri čemu se to okruženje stalno menja, kao odgovor na promene zakonske regulative i postavljenih normativa. Operacionalizacija modela podrazumeva uvođenje aktera, događaja i resursa u REA ontologiji čime se dobija mogućnost modeliranja i provere pretpostavki organizacije, sa ciljem sagledavanja potpunog sistema, ali i mogućnosti i potreba interakcije organizacije sa okolinom. Okosnicu predloženog rešenja čine postojeći modeli (model procesa elektronskog poslovanja sistema, model interakcije sistema sa drugim osnovnim sistemima, model poruke, matematički model sistema elektronskog poslovanja, REA model i odgovarajući poslovni transakcioni model, model integracije različitih sistema elektronskog poslovanja, model procesa prerade razmenjenih podataka, model registracionog tela, model evaluacije rešenja, ontološki model baziran na REA, model za utvrđivanje indikatora performansi na osnovu Lernerove prezentacije sistema i sredine i model optimalne realizacije koji treba da obezbede tehnološke procese u cilju zadovoljavanja poslovne potrebe organizacije i poslovnog okruženja organizacije. Dopunska aksiološka pretpostavka je i potreba razmene podataka u okviru same organizacije, ali i između organizacija i drugih organizacija u okruženju. Dodatni izazov u području upravljanja je činjenica da organizacija može pripadati različitim okruženjima, pri čemu ova raznolikost može biti i šansa za poboljšanje kvaliteta razmene poslovnih podataka u interakciji organizacije i različitih okruženja. Priroda ovih saznanja može se objasniti mogućim fenomenološkim preslikavanjem uloga, ponašanja, objekata i odnosa u modelu X2Y sistema, gde su X i Y iz skupa (G-Government, B-Business, C-Consumers, E-Employees). Operacionalizacija rešenja podrazumeva uvođenje registracionog tela za kvalifikovanu razmenu podataka o poslovnim transakcijama između različitih organizacija ili različitih okruženja. Registraciono telo bi sprovodilo kontrolu i postavljanje organizacija u regularan okvir. Na taj način bi bili prevaziđeni neuspesi dosadašnjih rešenja, npr. Službe društvene kontrole ili posredne kontrole uz obavljanje platnih transakcija, koja je funkcionisala u zavodu za obračun i plaćanje, koje su od međunarodnih kontrolnih organa proglašene kao neregularne. Predloženo registraciono telo, koje bi se moglo zvati (Bureau for Interchange Business Electronic Records-BIBER) imalo bi za cilj da učini sistem organizacije i njenih okruženja sledljivim, regularnim, uz efikasnu kontrolu i upravljanje

    The model of interoperable electronic business of payments systems founded on ontologies

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    Predmet ove disertacije je razvoj i primena modela interoperabilnog elektronskog poslovanja platnih sistema zasnovanog na ontologijama i Resource-Event-Agent - REA (ISO/IEC 15944-4:2007) ontološkoj objektnoj strukturi sistema. Istraživanje je bazirano na globalnim poslovnim standardima finansijske industrije - referentnim modelima za razmenu informacija. Saznanja iz implementacije sistema za kliring čekova i sistema za direktno zaduženje u Udruženju banaka Srbije koji su realizovani korišćenjem obrazaca za poslovnu integraciju (EIP - Enterprise Integration Patterns) i standardizovanih sistema poruka primenjena su u istraživanju. Istraživanje je prilagođeno i za implementaciju interoperabilnih platnih sistema u Srbiji. Različiti platni sistemi u procesu elektronskog poslovanja su u interakciji sa različitim poslovnim sistemima učesnika. Poslovni sistemi učesnika podržavaju veliki broj korisnika i poslovnih procesa sa specifičnim zahtevima. Osnovni problem je heterogenost između poslovnih procesa, podataka i korišćenih IT tehnologija. Iz tog razloga vreme, finansijska sredstva i informatički resursi se troše na prevođenje podataka iz jednog sistema u drugi. Razmena finansijskih transakcija elektronskim putem postala je prevladavajuća. Time nastaje potreba za razvojem modela interoperabilnog elektronskog poslovanja platnog sistema za razmenu finansijskih transakcija i njihovu obradu. Standardizacija u domenu modeliranja platnih sistema, koja će biti razmatrana, treba da doprinese i većoj efikasnosti ostalih sistema elektronskog poslovanja i interoperabilnosti elektronskog poslovanja učesnika. U svakoj državi platni sistem se sastoji od skupa platnih instrumenata, bankarskih procedura i sistema za prenos sredstava između finansijskih institucija u cilju obezbeđivanja cirkulacije novca. Centralna banka neposredno definiše, reguliše i usmerava tokove novca i ispunjava svoju osnovnu funkciju regulatora finansijskih tokova putem kontrole platnih sistema. Najvažniji je Real Time Gross Settlement System - RTGS, sa kojim su hijerarhijski povezani sistemi banaka i drugih finansijskih institucija, pravnih i fizičkih lica. Među njima su klirinške kuće, agenti, procesorske kuće i zakonom definisane institucije koje se bave izvršenjem, procesiranjem,akvizicijom ili distribucijom informacija o finansijskim transakcijama, ali i drugi sistemi elektronskog poslovanja. Platni sistemi, na način opisan u ovom radu, objedinjuju elemente koji figurišu u svakom sistemu baziranom na porukama, tehnološke elemente nadređenih institucija koji su implicirani standardnim formatom poruka, ambijentalne uslove zadate mestom na kome se platni sistem ostvaruje (mesto u finansijskoj vertikali, vrsti procesiranja za koje je opredeljen, geopolitičkoj topologiji i drugim mogućim elementima), potrebnoj komunikacionoj interakciji, neophodnim informacionim tehnologijama za realizaciju pojedinačnih i opštih zadataka...The subject of this dissertation is development and application of the model of interoperable e-Business of payment systems based on ontologies and Resource-Event-Agent - REA (ISO/IEC 15944-4:2007) ontological object system structure. Referential models in the information exchange upon global business standards of financial industry are basis for this investigation. It will apply the experience and knowledge from the implementation of the Check Clearing and Direct Debit systems within the Association of Serbian Banks, created by the use of Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) and the standardized systems of messages. The investigation will be adjusted to the implementation of interoperable payment systems in Serbia. Various payment systems in the process of electronic transaction interact with various participants′ business systems. Participants’ business systems support a great number of users and business processes with specific requirements. In this, the basic problem is dissimilarity between business processes, data and IT technologies. From that reason, time, financial, and informatics resources are wasted on the data transfer from one to another system. Today, the exchange of financial transactions electronically became predominant. This calls for the development of models of interoperable e-Business of payment systems for the exchange of financial transactions and their processing. The standardization in the domain of payment system modeling, considered in this study should contribute to greater efficiency of other electronic business systems and to interoperability of participants’ electronic businesses. In every country payment system comprises a number of payment instruments, banking procedures, and the systems for the fund transfer between financial institutions. That alowws the circulation of money in the country. The Central Bank directly defines, regulates and directs the money flow, and fulfills the function of the regulator of financial flows through the control of the payment systems. The most important is Real Time Gross Settlement System - RTGS, which for the mentioned reasons, is mainly under the supervision of Central Bank. Banks′ systems and the systems of other financial institutions are connecting by RTGS System. Among them there are institutions like clearing houses, payment agents, processing houses, and other. They are defined by law, deals with implementation, processing, information acquisition, or distribution regarding financial transactions, as well as other systems of electronic business. Payment systems, on the wyu described in this work, unify the elements, existent in every system based on messages, technological elements of supervising institutions, implicated by the standard message format, ambient conditions imposed by the place with the implemented payment system (in financial vertical, with kind of processing for which it is committed, geo-political typology, and other possible elements), required communicational interaction, information technologies necessary for realization of general and specific tasks..

    The Use of Arterial Grafts of the Left Internal Mammary Artery is Not a Predictor for the Incidence of Pericardial Effusion

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    BACKGROUND: The left internal mammary artery (LIMA) is used very often for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). During the cardiac surgery, surgical preparation of LIMA graft could be the reason for mediastinal bleeding and pericardial effusion (PE). AIM: This current study was, therefore, undertaken to show the prediction of PE occurrence comparing the usage of LIMA and venous graft. METHODOLOGY: The study population comprised 1929 patients (1.562 men mean age 57.1 years) who underwent CABG due to coronary disease. Patients were separated into two groups: Patients with venous and patients with arterial grafts on left anterior descending (LAD) artery. The first group included 1468 patients with arterial graft (LIMA) who underwent surgery from October 2008 to January 2014 and the second group included 461 patients with venous graft on LAD that were treated before 2008. Both groups were compared with respect to occurrences, size, and location of PE, which was determined on the 5th day after surgery by echocardiography. RESULTS: PE was identified in 1219 (63.1%) patients. There was no difference between compared groups in the proportional occurrence or absence of effusion: In the first group 931 (63.4%) and in the second 288 (62.4%) patients had PE (p > 0.05). There were significant differences (p < 0.001) in localization of effusion; circular effusion was found in 797 (41.3%) patients while localized effusion in 422 (21.8%) patients. CONCLUSION: Surgical experience can lead to a reduced risk of occurrence of PE when using arterial graft with no differences compared to using a venous graft. The use of arterial LIMA graft is not a predictor for the incidence of PE

    The influence of corrosion on the microstructure of thermally treated ZA27/SiCp composites

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    The influence of corrosion on the microstructure of ZA27/SiCp composites was examined. The composites were produced by compo casting technique and then subjected to the thermal treatment (T4 regime). Microstructural examinations were performed after 30-day exposure of thermally treated composites in the sodium-chloride solution. Corrosion processes have occurred in the composite matrix. Corrosion did not affect SiC particles in the composites. The local progress of corrosion in depth of the composite matrix was noticed in micro-cracks. Corrosion resistance of ZA27/SiCp composites was evaluated based on the mass loss of composite samples during the immersion test. It was found that corrosion resistance of the composites decreased with increase in content of SiC particles. The applied thermal treatment had a negative influence on the corrosion resistance of ZA27/SiCp composites

    Uspostavljanje okruženja za razmenu podataka o poslovnim transakcijama na nivou države

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    Cilj rada je da pokaže mogućnost i značaj efikasne integracije heterogenih poslovnih sistema organizacijom međusobne razmene adresibilnih poruka poslovnih subjekata preko sistema klirinških kuća. Upravljanje mnoštvom disparatnih poslovnih sistema u ekonomiji treba da bude vođeno strategijom iniciranom spoznajom disparatnih fenomenoloških pojava i iznalaženju zajedničkog analoškog jezgra poslovnih sistema. Ontološki model elektronskog poslovanja platnih sistema sa registracionim telom ukupnog saobraćaja razmene podataka možemo smatrati zajedničkim anološkim jezgrom svih sistema za elektronsko poslovanje. U radu je pokazano da metodološku primenu anoloških jezgara omogućava spoznaja prikazanih modela u radu. Svi predloženi modeli su osnov za standardizaciju sistema klirinških kuća i tela za registraciju razmena podataka i definisanje opšte strategije razvoja sistema u državi. Oni predstavljaju dokaz da je proces masovne proizvodnje takvih sistema moguć. Istraživanja na postizanju interoperabilnog modela platnih sistema pokazuje da uvođenje globalnih standarda omogućava širenje palete inoviranih proizvoda elektronskog poslovanja. Pokazuje i da se semantička interoperabilnost poslovnih sistema postiže na nivou podataka, servisa i poslovnih procesa. Domenska ontologiju elektronskog poslovanja platnih sistema daje osnovu i za buduća istraživanja u oblasti automatizacije prevođenja ontologija u zajedničke informacione modele elektronskog poslovanja. Predloženo je zajedničko anološko jezgro poslovnih sistema, originalna definicija strukture informatičke organizacija sistema klirinških kuća koja se ogleda i u implementaciji industrijskih standarda u svim oblastima koja su povezana sa standardizacijom poslovnih struktura i poslovnih procesa. Predloženi model prati brz razvoj savremenih informacionih tehnologija i diktira komponentni razvoj, obezbeđuje mogućnost da se izvrši brza implementacija komponenata u postojeće informacione sisteme

    Corrosion behavior of the as-cast and heat-treated ZA27 alloy

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    Corrosion behaviour of the as-cast and heat-treated ZA27 alloy was examined. The alloy was prepared by conventional melting and casting route and then thermally processed by applying T4 heat treatment regime (solutionizing at 370 °C for 3 hours followed by water quenching and natural aging). Corrosion rate of the as-cast and heat-treated ZA27 alloy was determined in 3.5 wt. % NaCl solution through immersion test using both weight loss method and polarization resistance measurements. It was shown that applied thermal treatment resulted in increased ductility of the heat-treated alloy and had a small beneficial effect on the corrosion resistance of ZA27 alloy

    Corrosion behavior of compocasted ZA27/SiCp composites in sodium chloride solution

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    The corrosion behavior of particulate ZA27/SiCp composites in an aerated sodium chloride solution was studied. The composites were synthesized via compocasting with addition of 1, 3 and 5 wt.% SiC particles in the matrix alloy. Composite samples were immersed for 30 days in the 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution open to the atmospheric air. Surface appearance and microstructure of the composites were examined by means of optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, while corrosion rates of the composites were determined using the weight loss method. It was revealed that SiC particles were not influenced by corrosion. General uniform corrosion occurred in the composite matrices, mainly in the region of the η phase. Local corrosion was noticed in micro-cracks and near clusters of particulate reinforcements. Results of microstructural examinations and immersion test indicate a slightly lower corrosion resistance of the ZA27/SiCp composites compared to that of the matrix alloy

    Corrosion behavior of the as-cast and heat-treated ZA27 alloy

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    Corrosion behaviour of the as-cast and heat-treated ZA27 alloy was examined. The alloy was prepared by conventional melting and casting route and then thermally processed by applying T4 heat treatment regime (solutionizing at 370 °C for 3 hours followed by water quenching and natural aging). Corrosion rate of the as-cast and heat-treated ZA27 alloy was determined in 3.5 wt. % NaCl solution through immersion test using both weight loss method and polarization resistance measurements. It was shown that applied thermal treatment resulted in increased ductility of the heat-treated alloy and had a small beneficial effect on the corrosion resistance of ZA27 alloy

    Corrosion behavior of compocasted ZA27/SiCp composites in sodium chloride solution

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    The corrosion behavior of particulate ZA27/SiCp composites in an aerated sodium chloride solution was studied. The composites were synthesized via compocasting with addition of 1, 3 and 5 wt.% SiC particles in the matrix alloy. Composite samples were immersed for 30 days in the 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution open to the atmospheric air. Surface appearance and microstructure of the composites were examined by means of optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, while corrosion rates of the composites were determined using the weight loss method. It was revealed that SiC particles were not influenced by corrosion. General uniform corrosion occurred in the composite matrices, mainly in the region of the η phase. Local corrosion was noticed in micro-cracks and near clusters of particulate reinforcements. Results of microstructural examinations and immersion test indicate a slightly lower corrosion resistance of the ZA27/SiCp composites compared to that of the matrix alloy